Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Shannon Week 4

YAY!!! I am incredibly happy so far with my Latisse! My lashes I don't think are getting much longer but ARE getting fuller! Though they are maintaining their length. I couldn't be happier! I was at a wrestling match and one of the other wrestling moms came up to me and said " This may sound crazy but why are you wearing false lashes this early in the morning? Do you have extentions?" My reply was a huge smile and " I'm ONLY using Latisse!!" "Amazing!" she said. Now that was even in a badly lit high school gym at 6am. The first thing she noticed from across the mat was how thick my lashes were, as she got closer to me she noticed how long they were. Now I ask you....why would I stop using this product and why isn't everyone using it???

By the way my eyebrows don't have anymore grow than the last I wrote. Good thing too I don't want bushy eyebrows but I'm pleased with what I have!!  (I missed an entry in the middle for Week 3)

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