Monday, November 30, 2009

Shannon's 2nd Week

It's official my lashes are longer! I can't believe how many people comment on them! Not only are they longer but when I put my mascara on they seem fuller. Normally I'll have to put on like three coats to get them perfect, but now one coat for day two for night! I haven't had any irritation at all, and it's just a habbit now. If I forget I'll get up right away and put it on, it's working so I feel like I'm cheating myself if I don't out it on.

My eyebrows actually have new growth which is fabulous!! Everything I wanted from this product is actually happening! It's a great feeling to see it working!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Shannon's First week

I started using Latisse last week and I am completely taken by surprise! I have already seen a result in the length of my lashes. My lashes are reasonably long to begin with, usually people comment on them. I’m trying to keep it that way so I figured using Latisse would help me. From just this first week it looks like that’s exactly what is going to happen!

At first I thought well…I have no irritation, itchiness, redness am I doing it right? Others who started at the same time have felt at least one of these problems. Then on my seventh day my left eye felt like I had something in it, later that night both my eyes did. So I didn’t use Latisse that night, the next morning my eyes felt like nothing ever irritated them at all. It’s nice that you can tell exactly where you put the product because it feels wet. That way I know if it is even or not.

I also started using it on my eyebrows. My eyebrows are thin and sparse in growth. After two days of wiping the area I can tell that the hairs are a bit longer. I can actually comb the hairs over areas that have no growth! If that is all I get I will take it! Hopefully some hair will grow in the area though…we will see!! Fingers crossed!

Here is my picture after a week on Latisse

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Natalia after a week on Latisse

I have been using Latisse® for over a week now. I feel like I am noticing a slight difference, but I am not sure if it is just in my head right now since it is a little early to be seeing something. I do feel like it is a lot easier to apply my mascara.

Last week when I first started applying Latisse® my skin felt a little irritated and itchy in that area. I skipped a day and now everything is back to normal with no redness or itchiness.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nancy's Journey

It has been a week since I began using Latisse and I have not experienced any redness or itching yet.

I decided early on that I was not going to use one applicator per eye; I was going to use the same applicator for both eyes. There are only 30 applicators and enough Latisse to last 7 or 8 weeks, I didn’t want to have leftover Latisse with no applicators.

The first drop on the applicator is absorbed all the way through so when I apply it on my eye, it doesn’t feel as moist as the second drop for the second eye does. I just go over the first eye with the applicator again after I am done with the second eye because there seems to be enough Latisse in there to work for both eyes.

I think the lashes are a little fuller but I am changing the angle to better assess the length of the lashes. Stay tuned to the blog next week for another picture and a new update.

You can compare this picture to my Picture Before Latisse

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Natalia's Journey

I am a Medical Aesthetician and our practice just received Latisse® about a week ago. For those of you who do not know, Latisse® is a product which promotes eyelash growth, as well as thickening and darkening of the eyelashes.

I am an on-the-go type of person, so I thought that applying Latisse® every night was going to be a hassle, but I have found it to take less than 30 seconds, which is a total plus for me.

This week has been very successful using Latisse® except for last night, the corners of my eyes got a little itchy but when I wake up this morning, everything was back to normal.
I can’t wait to see the difference in a couple of weeks.

Here I am before I started using Latisse®

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nancy's Journey

Everyone who has seen the Brooke Shields commercials about Latisse® has an opinion about whether to use it or not. As a health care professional, I take new advances in medicine with a grain of salt. I am apprehensive about Latisse® but not so much because I know it is a Glaucoma medicine.

Some time ago, I knew someone who had to use Eye drops for Glaucoma in her left eye (chemically identical to Latisse®). In a few months, everyone could notice a visible difference between her left and right eyelashes. The doctor said it was a side effect of her medicine and she could try using it in the other eye for the same result, so her eyelashes weren’t uneven.

Latisse® is essentially Glaucoma medicine but my doctor told me, I didn’t have to put it directly into my eye. Instead I am supposed to apply a single drop to the base of the eyelid like eyeliner. Yes, I am apprehensive about using a new drug, but I know that applying it to the base of the eye carefully means not much will actually enter my eyes. Besides, I figured if the doctor advised that acquaintance years ago that she could use her Glaucoma medicine in her other eye, it couldn’t be that harmful right?

Here I am, before starting Latisse®. I have pictures of my eyes open as well as shut so that I can chart progress of my eyelashes and if it makes a visible difference in its appearance. This should also serve to measure whether my eyes change color or not, although the doctor assured me that it is extremely unlikely.