Thursday, November 19, 2009

Shannon's First week

I started using Latisse last week and I am completely taken by surprise! I have already seen a result in the length of my lashes. My lashes are reasonably long to begin with, usually people comment on them. I’m trying to keep it that way so I figured using Latisse would help me. From just this first week it looks like that’s exactly what is going to happen!

At first I thought well…I have no irritation, itchiness, redness am I doing it right? Others who started at the same time have felt at least one of these problems. Then on my seventh day my left eye felt like I had something in it, later that night both my eyes did. So I didn’t use Latisse that night, the next morning my eyes felt like nothing ever irritated them at all. It’s nice that you can tell exactly where you put the product because it feels wet. That way I know if it is even or not.

I also started using it on my eyebrows. My eyebrows are thin and sparse in growth. After two days of wiping the area I can tell that the hairs are a bit longer. I can actually comb the hairs over areas that have no growth! If that is all I get I will take it! Hopefully some hair will grow in the area though…we will see!! Fingers crossed!

Here is my picture after a week on Latisse

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