Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nancy's Journey

It has been a week since I began using Latisse and I have not experienced any redness or itching yet.

I decided early on that I was not going to use one applicator per eye; I was going to use the same applicator for both eyes. There are only 30 applicators and enough Latisse to last 7 or 8 weeks, I didn’t want to have leftover Latisse with no applicators.

The first drop on the applicator is absorbed all the way through so when I apply it on my eye, it doesn’t feel as moist as the second drop for the second eye does. I just go over the first eye with the applicator again after I am done with the second eye because there seems to be enough Latisse in there to work for both eyes.

I think the lashes are a little fuller but I am changing the angle to better assess the length of the lashes. Stay tuned to the blog next week for another picture and a new update.

You can compare this picture to my Picture Before Latisse

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