Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nancy's Journey

Everyone who has seen the Brooke Shields commercials about Latisse® has an opinion about whether to use it or not. As a health care professional, I take new advances in medicine with a grain of salt. I am apprehensive about Latisse® but not so much because I know it is a Glaucoma medicine.

Some time ago, I knew someone who had to use Eye drops for Glaucoma in her left eye (chemically identical to Latisse®). In a few months, everyone could notice a visible difference between her left and right eyelashes. The doctor said it was a side effect of her medicine and she could try using it in the other eye for the same result, so her eyelashes weren’t uneven.

Latisse® is essentially Glaucoma medicine but my doctor told me, I didn’t have to put it directly into my eye. Instead I am supposed to apply a single drop to the base of the eyelid like eyeliner. Yes, I am apprehensive about using a new drug, but I know that applying it to the base of the eye carefully means not much will actually enter my eyes. Besides, I figured if the doctor advised that acquaintance years ago that she could use her Glaucoma medicine in her other eye, it couldn’t be that harmful right?

Here I am, before starting Latisse®. I have pictures of my eyes open as well as shut so that I can chart progress of my eyelashes and if it makes a visible difference in its appearance. This should also serve to measure whether my eyes change color or not, although the doctor assured me that it is extremely unlikely.

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