Monday, December 28, 2009

Nancy's excitement

My lashes are definitely darker and longer then before. Before I started using Latisse, they were almost blonde and difficult to see without mascara. This time around, people noticed at the Holiday parties specially with the mascara, the difference was big. (These pictures were taken without mascara).

I am very excited, knowing that I am only half way through and people are starting to notice the difference. I was also very lucky in that I experienced no side effects and for all you skeptics out there, my eyes havent changed in color one bit.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Nancy - 5 weeks and counting

I have completed 5 weeks and counting. There are times when I feel it has been an eternity with my using Latisse and there should be results, but then I remind myself I need 11 more weeks before I see the full results of Latisse.

Here is me at after 1 week on Latisse

Here I am 5 weeks after using Latisse

I think my lashes are definitely darker and maybe a little longer and fuller. What do you think?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Shannon Week 4

YAY!!! I am incredibly happy so far with my Latisse! My lashes I don't think are getting much longer but ARE getting fuller! Though they are maintaining their length. I couldn't be happier! I was at a wrestling match and one of the other wrestling moms came up to me and said " This may sound crazy but why are you wearing false lashes this early in the morning? Do you have extentions?" My reply was a huge smile and " I'm ONLY using Latisse!!" "Amazing!" she said. Now that was even in a badly lit high school gym at 6am. The first thing she noticed from across the mat was how thick my lashes were, as she got closer to me she noticed how long they were. Now I ask you....why would I stop using this product and why isn't everyone using it???

By the way my eyebrows don't have anymore grow than the last I wrote. Good thing too I don't want bushy eyebrows but I'm pleased with what I have!!  (I missed an entry in the middle for Week 3)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Natalia on 3 weeks with Latisse

I am now starting my 4th week of using Latisse, and I have been pretty good about using it everyday. My eyelashes are definitely fuller and slightly longer. I have not had any irritation since the first time a few weeks ago.

I went on vacation last week hence missing my thanksgiving post, and I found it easy to carry Latisse with me and keep using it.

Nancy Week 3

I am glad I took the suggestion of using the same applicator on both my eyes. It appears that 3 weeks into my Single Kit of Latisse, I still have enough of the solution to keep going for a few more weeks.

If I had used a new applicator for each eye, I would be out of applicators in 30 days but with leftover medication

They look darker and a little longer but its less then 25% of the time it is going to take to see the full effect of Latisse.